Hundred happy days

Two weeks ago I started the hundred happy days challenge, to post a picture that made me happy everyday. I have found this really helpful as I started it two days after starting very nasty medical treatment and it is helping to remind me of all the happy things in my life even on difficult days. I have found myself with so many moments to pick from everyday it’s been amazing.

I wanted to compile the pics somewhere easier to look back at them so I decided I could pop them up here every two weeks.

Day 1 puppy kisses


Day 2
Seems to have disappeared
Day 3 a beautiful sunny lake when we thought we were going to get soaked on today’s shoot. 


Day 4 finding a new way to coat plastic guns, also translates to having geeky friends


Day 5 guillermo del toro day with my wonderful husband


Day 6 also disappeared (may have to compile more often)
Day 7 listening to the a life less lived goth box set and my son dancing to misfits


Day 8 reading a graphic novel my lovely boyfriend lent me on the grass in the sunshine, even if I did end up with muddy knees


Day 9 a day in the sun with my beautiful lady, we are drinking orange juice, sober and still look drunk


Day 10
random impromptu night out with sister, husband, boyfriend and all the other lovely people at Dusk Till Dawn


Day 11 so much to be happy about  I don’t even know where to start, lovely day with friends in the pub, bbq with friends in the evening, fire jam fun times at night. The delightful Victoria giving me beautiful shoes and letting me borrow her marvellous antlers. Julie  saying I am getting better at hooping and promising to make it happen by making me a belated birthday hoop to practice with. Seeing Matt  and his fire whips for the first time in ages. But the picture I will go with is still definitely the one from the day that makes me laugh most my tiny hands compared to the giant.


Day 12 sitting on a hill with a friend at sunset just because we can. Thanks Katie for a lovely time.


Day 13 taking a walk 5 minutes from my house


Day 14 me and the boyfriend pulling ridiculous faces to cheer up Lil sis


And that’s two weeks of happiness from me.